Ottawa—Vanier NDP Celebrates PSAC's Wins for Working People

The Executive of the Ottawa—Vanier NDP riding association celebrates the recent wins by the Public Service Alliance of Canada on behalf of their members.

While the Liberals insisted on an initial offer that made a mockery of dedicated public service workers - many of whom live in Ottawa-Vanier - the rank and file fought back to secure wage increases that better address the cost of living crisis that they and too many Canadians are feeling from coast-to-coast-to-coast.

The strike need not have happened had the Liberals been more reasonable from the outset. Many workers on the line were stressed - while many Canadians had to go without the services they rely on.

Working people can continue to count on New Democrats to fight for fair wages and better working conditions.By securing these and other important wins, PSAC members have raised the floor for other working families. Bravo!


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